Mike Caird 2009 Inductee GVSHoF:
by sponsor Brian Zelley
* As we moved into 2010, the events of 2009
would have an impact in 2010 when the decision was made by about six former Boxing BC boxers to begin the
BC Amateur Boxing Hall of Fame.
which started in 2010
From the experience related to the 2009 event
It provided an open door to begin this
twenty five year old dream and hope
for a BCABHoF
Greater Victoria Sports Hall
2009 - Mike Caird and Brian Zelley,
Ian Weir, Mike Caird, Brian Zelley
(Jim Ryan photo courtesy of
Greater Victoria
Sports Hall of Fame)
MikeCaird and supporters 2009
O'Sullivan, Robinson , Zelley, Wright.
Terry Orr, Jason Heit and Don Orr.